Date and Time: Feb. 28, 2023. 8:00-11:00am, BJT/ Feb. 27, 2023. 4:00-7:00pm PT
Mar. 01, 2023. 8:00-11:00am, BJT/ Feb. 28, 2023. 4:00-7:00pm PT
ZOOM link:
Participant Registration at:
Motivation & Objective:
Time Domain Astronomy (TDA) is undergoing a rapid growth in recent years, with several ongoing and upcoming large scale surveys and space missions. Timely follow-up observations are a critical part of the overall science endeavor. This mini-workshop is the first of a series, designed with the following goals:
- To bring updates on forthcoming Chinese sky survey missions and spectroscopy observing capabilities of Caltech facilities
- To define the requirements for time-sensitive observations for potential science programs
- To explore mechanisms to implement such observations to maximize science returns
- To discuss potential mutual transient science interests from both communities
Advisory Committee:
Gongbo Zhao (NAOC), Suijian Xue (NAOC), Luis Ho (PKU-KIAA); Gu QiuSheng (U. of Nanjing); Jonas Zmuidzinas, (Caltech) Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)
Science Organizing Committee:
Jifeng Liu (NAOC), Chichuan Jin (NAOC), Jianyan Wei(NAOC), Jianfeng Wu (XMU), Yanmei Chen (U. of Nanjing), Lin Yan (Caltech), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)
Program & Agenda:
Day 1
Session 1: Missions & projects; Chair: Lin Yan (Caltech)
- AM 8:00-8:10/PM 4:00-4:10 Opening remarks 10 (Jonas Zmuidzinas, Jifeng Liu, Suijian Xue)
- AM 8:10-8:40/PM 4:10-4:40 The science potential and follow-up requirement of the Einstein Probe mission, Weimin Yuan (NAOC)
- AM 8:40-9:10/PM 4:40-5:10 The science potential and follow-up requirement of SVOM mission, Liping Xin (NAOC)
- AM 9:10-9:50/PM 5:10-5:50 Zwicky Transient Facility and some science results: Yuhan Yao (Caltech) & Yujing Qin (Caltech)
- AM 9:50-10:10/PM 5:50-6:10 Break
- AM 10:10-10:30/PM 6:10-6:30 NGPS update, Christoffer Fremling (Caltech)
- AM 10:30-11:00/PM 6:30-7:00 Discussion: Science opportunities and P200 capabilities Panel: Zmuidzinas, Kasliwal, Boden, Xue, Yuan, Wei + all participants
- Adjourn
Day 2, Chair: Suijian Xue (NAOC)
Session 2: Time Domain & Transient Science
- AM 8:00-8:20/PM 4:00-4:20 Rapid Optical Spectroscopic Follow-up Observations of FRB from FAST, Chao-wei Tsai (NAOC)
- AM 8:20-8:40/PM 4:20-4:40 Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) and Potential Follow-up Observations, Xiang-kun Liu (SWIFAR)
- AM 8:40-9:00/PM 4:40-5:00 The Opportunities and Challenges of Studying Tidal Disruption Events with 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope, Ning Jiang (USTC)
- AM 9:00-9:20/PM 5:00-5:20 Time-domain Projects at Tsinghua University and the Science Highlights, Xiaofeng Wang (THU)
- AM 9:20-9:40/PM 5:20-5:40 ToO observations from 2.4-meter telescope at Yunnan Observatory,Jirong Mao (YNAO)
- AM 9:40-9:50/PM 5:40-5:50pm Break
Session 3: Implementing Time Sensitive Observations
- AM 9:50-10:05/PM 5:50-6:05 How Caltech/ZTF coordinates their TDA follow-up programs Christoffer Fremling (Caltech)
- AM 10:05-10:30/PM6:05-6:30 Caltech Target Opportunity Programs; Andy Boden (Caltech)
- AM 10:30-11:00/PM6:30-7:00 Discussions: moderators: Kasliwal (Caltech) and Jin (NAOC)